Top Superfoods to Add to Any Diet in 2023, According to Experts

Have you recently been on a marathon of delicious foods filled to the brim with trans fats? Chances are your body will crave something healthier. Indeed, feeling sluggish and bloated after holidays is common for many people. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen to your body and keep indulging in delicious but not-so-healthy foods. Instead, try these superfoods. They’re among the top additions to any healthy diet in 2023.

Top Superfoods to Eat in 2023

Top Superfoods to Add to Any Diet in 2023, According to Experts

Before jumping into revealing the top superfoods of 2023, according to experts, let’s first find out what superfood means. According to the dictionary, the term describes foods that are rich in fatty acids, antioxidants, amino acids, fibers & more that are good for your health. With that in mind, one should know that, however good a particular food can be to your overall health, it can never replace proper treatment in case of diseases. And now, let’s check out the top three foods to add to a healthy diet this year.

1. Beetroot

Top Superfoods to Add to Any Diet in 2023, According to Experts

Beetroot is 2023’s superfoods winner. Low in calories and high in fiber, eating beets aids digestion and reduces high blood sugar levels. Plus, the vegetable has anti-inflammatory properties. Another perk is that there are countless ways to prepare it. You can make fresh juice using beetroot, apples, and carrots or steam cook it. There are also various veggie soups that contain this superfood.

2. Flax Seeds

Top Superfoods to Add to Any Diet in 2023, According to Experts

Flax seeds are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3. Just one tablespoon of this superfood has over two grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids, with omega-3 being one of them. Plus, it’s very low in calories, making it a perfect addition to a healthy diet for those who want to lose some weight after the holidays.

There are various ways to consume these super seeds, including adding them to your avocado toast. Sprinkle some flax seeds on top of your oatmeal bowl for an extra nutritious boost.

3. Fennel

Top Superfoods to Add to Any Diet in 2023, According to Experts

Experts’ no. 3 in the list of top superfoods for 2023 is fennel. It aids digestion, tackles gastroesophageal dysfunction, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also helpful in treating anxiety and sleep disorders. Last but surely not least, fennel is known to aid hormonal changes. If you’re wondering how to prepare it, here are some suggestions. You can sauté it, roast or steam it. There are also various fennel teas available on the market.