Make Yogurt at Home With Just Two Ingredients

Yogurt goes well with many dishes, whether it’s sweet or savory. It’s high in protein, and its rich and yummy taste is irresistible. Making it at home is easier than people think, and only takes a few simple steps.

The Main Ingredients

Here’s How To Make Yogurt at Home With Two Ingredients Only
The Main Ingredients

Milk is the main ingredient of yogurt. You can use any milk — dairy or non-dairy, low-fat, skim, or even whole milk for a richer texture. If you want the yogurt to be creamier, you can use milk higher in fat. It’s important to prepare an amount you’ll consume in two weeks, as homemade yogurts do not last as long as store-bought ones.

The second ingredient is, well, yogurt. If you have already made a homemade one, you can use some of it. In other cases, you can buy a tub of plain yogurt. Make sure to check the label to see if it contains live active yogurt cultures.

How to Make Yogurt

How to Make Yogurt

First and foremost, heat your milk to 180°F. The longer you hold the milk at 180°F, the thicker the yogurt turns. Then, remove the milk from the heat and cool it to 115°F, keeping an eye on it. Once you reach 115°F, stir in and use about a quarter cup of yogurt for each half gallon of milk. Put the mixture into mason jars with lids for optimal results.

Incubate Your Yogurt
Once everything is blended, you must keep the mixture at a temperature of 110°F to 115°F for 8-10 hours. The longer you retain it this way, the tangier the flavor will be. A yogurt maker or instant pot will do the job right if you follow the instructions.

Make Yogurt in a Slow Cooker
You can also make yogurt in a slow cooker. Add the milk, set the heat to high, and heat it until you reach 180°F. Then, turn it off and let it cool with the lid still on until the temperature drops to 110°F. Stir the mixture in, cover, and let it sit in the slow cooker for about 10 hours. Then, put it in containers and keep it in the refrigerator.

How to Store Yogurt
You can keep it in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. If you want to add sweeteners, vanilla, fruit, or others, make sure to set aside some plain yogurt for next time.