Love Is Blind Star “SK” Alagbada Speaks About Allegations

Sikiru “SK” Alagbada is ready to speak out about his conduct and the allegations he was facing about cheating. In an interview, he explains that he’s not doing it as an apology tour. He feels he has to face his actions and take responsibility. His take on everything is that he owes it to Raven Ross and the world watching Love Is Blind to take stock of his actions. He wants to reflect on what he did and how he acted, take a step back, and learn from the experience.

No Physical Cheating

“SK” Alagbada is speaking out on allegations that he cheated on his fiancee Raven after they were reunited. In the beginning, when charged with such allegations, Alagbada denied it all but later decided to speak out. He explained that he and Raven were not in a seriously committed monogamous relationship, there was a team, and he was a single man. However, he takes accountability for having inappropriate conversations with a woman, which he says, he should not have ever done!

“SK” Was Hurt and Heartbroken

The couple split up in 2021 after a failed wedding on the show but later rekindled their love for each other in 2022. Alagbada explains that they were trying to build something meaningful, but on the occasions when they would visit each other in California and Texas, he witnessed communication between her and an older guy. He says navigating a long-distance relationship off-cameras was getting to be too much. He was heartbroken and hurt by everything that was happening.