How Was This Approved?" 30+ of the Most Absurd Signs

This article appeared in The Daddest and has been published here with permission.

Signs are pretty essential. They give you important information about where to turn, where to park, and which footbridge to take. But sometimes, signs are not just a way of passing along information. Sometimes, they're baffling,  sometimes, they're humorous digs, and at times they're outright absurd. Here are some signs that will make you scratch your head and wonder how anyone ever agreed to put them up.

Mosquito Attack

There's barely anything scarier than a sign that says that Jumanji comes to life here. Yes, it's a bit of an exaggeration, but that's the only thing that comes to mind, thanks to this sign at an Alaskan road.

Mosquito Attack

The sign depicts what seems to be a giant mosquito flying away with a person. We can't say exactly what it's trying to say, but it does get the overall message across - be careful.

The Lost Cat

Losing a pet can be a difficult time for a loving owner. Sometimes, they luck out and find amazing photos they can use on their posters. They put up proper details, and then place that information everywhere they can.

The Lost Cat

But sometimes, people need to go farther. This individual's idea of a lost poster might need to be more effective. It could be anything from a Persian cat to one who likes fishing for food down the street.

A Fair Warning

Do you know those small-town movies where the big and slick city-goers ignore a well-written warning telling them not to do something and end up paying for it dearly? Well, if only they had learned their lessons 20 movies ago!

A Fair Warning

This small town also warns newcomers about what not to do when they get there. The only question is, why not?

The Exact Speed Limit

Signs with numbers on them are obviously extremely common as they help us know what the speed limit on a certain road is. While we're used to seeing whole numbers, sometimes, having strange numbers can do wonders for your purpose.

The Exact Speed Limit

This particular person has laid down the law regarding the speed limit, and it's an off 9 1/2. Not 9, not 10, but 9 1/2. It could only have gotten better if the numbers had been 9 3/4.