Passengers That Didn’t Know How To Behave – And Turned The Flight Into A Nightmare

This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.

There are bound to be a number of annoying passengers on a plane during any given flight. Check out some outrageous photos that show some of the most annoying plane passengers in recent memory.

License to Fly

For some strange reason, passengers started to freak out when they saw this woman hanging out with her pet parrot during a flight. Surely enough, they got even more stressed out when, halfway through the flight, the parrot decided to escape the clutches of its owner to fly up and down the aisle.

License to Fly

You Gotta Have Sole…

Whenever there is an empty seat on a plane, you just know that certain passengers are going to utilize that space to their benefit. Take this man, for example, who seemed to have a stressful time getting to his flight – so much so that not even he could stand the smell of his shoes. As a result, he placed them on the seat next to him and even hung the soles over an armrest. Sure enough, the passenger two seats down from him was furious…

You Gotta Have Sole…

Zit or Miss

It’s perfectly acceptable to maintain your facial skincare and ensure that you don’t have any outstanding blemishes. Who hasn’t gone to town on some nasty zit that doesn’t want to go away? With that said, there is no denying that there is a time and place for this, by all accounts, gross practice. To be honest, you can pop your zits whenever you please, as long as they are in private. This woman couldn’t help herself while on the plane.

Zit or Miss

Bored to Death

If you don’t have games to play, a book to read, a film to watch or some music to listen to, a flight can be one of the most mind-numbingly boring experiences. However, this young lady was able to find entertainment in the most unexpected places. The passenger sitting next to her wasn’t interested in trying to keep himself entertained and simply kicked back for some shut-eye. Yet she couldn’t help herself and took a selfie with him!

Bored to Death