35+ Old Actors Who Are Still Alive

This article appeared in UrbanAunty and has been published here with permission.

It is often said that "Old is gold." This statement can be extended to these celebs who may be older, but are golden nonetheless. Many of these celebrities reigned during Hollywood's Golden Age and have delivered some of the most memorable and award-winning performances. Take a look at these celebrities, and matinee idols of yesteryear, who are still capturing the hearts of audiences and fans.

George Hamilton

Being away from your kids is something that is hard for every mother, but returning to a welcome sign reading "we are out of underwear and we don't even have any on" could cushion the blow.


Carole Cook

This grandpa is always the romantic, looking for unique ways to surprise his special lady. He always puts 100% into his surprises, as can be seen from the photo below, where he practically built a portable bar and attached a sign to it reading "National Margarita Day." The man really went all out to make his wife's return a fun and memorable one, so all that's left to say is we hope we'll get that too some day!


Angela Lansbury

The sign reading "Welcome home son, it's okay to be gay" could either be a prank - meaning the dad in the picture thought it would be hilarious to call out his son at the airport for his preferences - or a genuine sign. When it comes to matters of orientation, it is sometimes hard to say the right thing or be politically correct, especially for those who are from a different generation and were not brought up as accepting of those who are different as we are today.


Ann Margaret

Perhaps there should be a rule in every household stating that from a certain age, kids should leave the house. This guy had certainly overstayed his visit, although it was nice of him to come pick up his parents from the airport when they asked. On the other hand, we seriously doubt this is what his old folks had in mind when they asked him to make the gesture, having to walk off the plane to their adult son in his grown-up onesie.
