Artist Shares 30+ Relatable Comics About the Highs and Lows of Parenting
This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.
Parenting is quite the journey - one filled with more than a few laughs and, of course, a few mishaps along the way. But ask any parent, and they'll tell you that they won’t change a thing! Maya and Yehuda Devir are parents and illustrators for the webcomic series One of Those Days, where they share a glimpse into their chaotic lives through their art. From falling asleep while reading bedtime stories to getting woken up early, any parent will relate to these illustrations.
The Winning Trifecta
Sleeping children, washing all done, and clean dishes - this is the winning trifecta for parents around the world who just don't seem to get to everything that needs to be done around the house. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the garbage!
Adulthood, and parenting in particular, can be pretty overwhelming, and you might feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. Just do your best and know that there will come a time when you will complete your chores in one day.