When Feeling Down, These 45 Wholesome Pics Are Sure to Lift You Up

This article appeared in cleverclassic.com and has been published here with permission.
When Feeling Down, These Wholesome Pics Are Sure to Lift You Up

Sometimes, the world isn’t as bad and scary as the news makes it seem. Sometimes, the internet brings you stories that fill you with hope and joy, which the world can never get enough of. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of user-generated images, social media posts, and screenshots that are so wholesome, you won’t be able to stop smiling!

Like a Proud Mother Hen

Most of us can’t even imagine what it’s like to grow up in an orphanage. It can be hard to push on without your parents there to support you. This woman provided that push for one lucky kid in Tanzania.

Like a Proud Mother Hen

His gorgeous smile says it all. This woman helped this boy fulfill his dream, and now the world has a new compassionate, kind-hearted doctor to make doctor’s visits a bit more wholesome. We need more stories like this.

At Rest at Last

None of us want to imagine the pain of losing a partner, but unfortunately, it’s something most of us will experience sooner or later. So when your partner has a dream about where they will be laid to rest, you do everything you can to fulfill that dream.

At Rest at Last

This must have been such a cathartic experience for him. He got to go on one last trip with his wife, and it was an especially meaningful one.

No Idea What They’re Going Through

When you’re on the daily grind of being a teacher, it can be easy to forget that each of your students has a life, and sometimes that life isn’t so pretty. This teacher got a harsh awakening one day. We hope she never forgets this.

No Idea What They’re Going Through

Students are humans, too, even when they’re a pain. There’s often a good reason they’re late or in a bad mood. The world needs more wholesome teachers who take these things into consideration.

A Fresh Start

There are many reasons that people become homeless, and most of the time it’s entirely out of their control. It can be really difficult to pick oneself back up after experiencing hardships like that, but this man managed to pull it off.

A Fresh Start

Not only did he pull it off, but he decided to give back to the community he was a part of for so long. If that isn’t the definition of wholesome and kind-hearted, then just throw that dictionary out the window!