Nights to Forget: Looking Back at Some of the All-Time Worst Live Performances
Performing live is, by nature, unpredictable. Sometimes, you run into moments where things simply just don't go right. From failed props to skipping vocal tracks, and even some particularly unfortunate appearances on Saturday Night Live, these musicians were having a bit of a rough day.
Mariah Carey, New Year's Eve
Don't you just love it when the waitress at Olive Garden asks you to tell her when to stop shredding cheese over your pasta? The following kid wasn't planning on waiting for a follow-up. He was more than happy to get straight to the point and say that he never wanted her to stop!

Robin Thicke, MTV Music Video Awards
It is no secret that kids can be extremely insensitive with some of the things they say. They don't mean anything by it, they are just making observations that they don't know the social ramifications for. Most adults know that calling others out for their weight is wrong. And while this kid wasn't explicitly doing that with their aunt, they were intrigued by the fact that she could make the scale go higher than he could. He didn't know he was being rude.

Ashlee Simpson, SNL
While some kids learn quicker than others, it seems like tact is something that takes a lot of people a long time to get right. However, we have to pardon many children because, quite frankly, they can be really impolite without even knowing it. Take this kindergartner, for example, who called out their teacher for seemingly not wearing makeup. It turns out that they were though. Apparently, some makeup just isn't convincing enough for certain children.

The Everly Brothers, Starting a Haitus
There are plenty of families out there who have dogs whose name is Lady. Obviously, they are named after the dog from the movie Lady and the Tramp. However, this kid thought it would be perfectly sensible to name all of the dog's litter "Lady" too. That way "all the ladies come running" when anyone yells "Lady." Let's face it - it is a terrible idea but we'll forgive it as it came from a very young mind.